I am

Mirza Minhaz Arafat Ayon

CSE graduate and Web developer

I have completed my graduation in Computer Science Engineering from Bangladesh University of Business and Technology.My final year thesis topic was Personality Prediction and Behaviour Analysis from Facebook Users using Machine Learning Algorithms.

Image of Ayon

My Big Dream

Become a Full Stack Web Developer

I have completed my graduation in Computer Science Engineering from Bangladesh University of Business and Technology.My final year thesis topic was Personality Prediction and Behaviour Analysis from Facebook Users using Machine Learning Algorithms.



Full Stack Web Developer

2021-Present | Pro Level Developer

I have completed my graduation in Computer Science Engineering from Bangladesh University of Business and Technology.My final year thesis topic was Personality Prediction and Behaviour Analysis from Facebook Users using Machine Learning Algorithms.

Front End Web Developer

2019-Present | Web Development Learner

I have completed my graduation in Computer Science Engineering from Bangladesh University of Business and Technology.My final year thesis topic was Personality Prediction and Behaviour Analysis from Facebook Users using Machine Learning Algorithms.